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近日,中国海洋大学水产学院田永军教授团队在渔业领域国际顶级期刊Fish and Fisheries上在线发表了题为“Climate‐induced nonlinearity in pelagic communities and non‐stationary relationships with physical drivers in the Kuroshio ecosystem”(气候变化引起的黑...

Potential for fisheries co-management shaped by interplay between formal, informal institutions(图)
Potential fisheries co-management shaped interplay between formal informal institutions
Integrating local norms and fishers' knowledge into regulations helps increase trust in management institutions, and can make it easier for co-management to work.Those were the findings of U.S. N...

2019年3月27日,上海海洋大学《Aquaculture and Fisheries》(以下简称AAF)编辑部收到Scopus数据库评估机构通知,由中国水产学会、上海海洋大学和中国科技出版传媒股份有限公司主办的AAF已通过Scopus数据库内容选择与咨询委员会(Content Selection & Advisory Board, CSAB)的严格评审,正式被荷兰Scopus数据库收录。被Sco...

《Aquaculture and Fisheries》编委Einar Ringø教授受邀来上海海洋大学进行学术和办刊交流(图)
Einar Ringø 教授 上海海洋大学 学术和办刊交流
2019年1月11日,国际知名水产动物消化道微生物和生态研究专家——挪威北极大学Einar Ringø教授应《Aquaculture and Fisheries》(以下简称英文刊)编辑部的邀请来我校进行学术和办刊交流。11日上午,英文刊主编黄硕琳教授向Ringø教授颁发了编委证书,并介绍了英文刊的基本情况和创刊以来相关数据统计,同时提出了办刊过程中遇到的一些问题以及今后需要努力...
2017年中国水产学会水产品加工与综合利用分会学术年会第二轮通知(2017 annual conference on aquatic products processing and comprehensive utilization of China Society of Fisheries)
2017年 中国水产学会水产品加工与综合利用分会 学术年会 第二轮
Few fisheries oceanography surveys in the United States have sampled hydrography and ichthyoplankton or juvenile fishes for 15 years or more. We describe six long time series surveys, including three ...
Applied Fisheries Oceanography: Ecosystem Indicators of Ocean Conditions Inform Fisheries Management in the California Current
Ocean Conditions Ecosystem Indicators
Fisheries oceanography is the study of ecological relationships between fishes and the dynamics of their marine environments and aims to characterize the physical, chemical, and biological factors tha...
A majority of the world's largest net-based fisheries target planktivorous forage fish that serve as a critical trophic link between the plankton and upper-level consumers such as large predatory fish...
A Wave Glider Approach to Fisheries Acoustics: Transforming How We Monitor the Nation's Commercial Fisheries in the 21st Century
21st Century Wave Glider
Possessing the world's largest Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the United States enjoys the benefits of a multi-billion dollar commercial fishing industry. Along with these benefits comes the enormous ...
Aquaculture set to overtake global fisheries, says author of new book
global fisherie Aquaculture
With aquaculture on track to overtake global fisheries, a new aquaculture book from The University of Queensland will help industry and students look to the future.
Marine Fisheries Management and Utilization of Fishing Ground in Malaysia
zonation of fishing ground commercial fishing gear traditional fishing gear
Under the marine capture fisheries management in Malaysia, the marine fishing ground is zoned into four areas simply according to the distance from the seashore: zone A from the seashore (0) to 5 naut...
Temporal Changes in Size at Maturity and Their Implications for Fisheries Management for Eastern Bering Sea Tanner Crab
eastern Bering Sea size at maturity size limit Tanner crab
Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) in the eastern Bering Sea are primarily distributed in Bristol Bay and around the Pribilof Islands. Summer trawl survey data in these two areas were used to estimate ...
Integrating Reproductive Biology into Scientific Advice for Fisheries Management
fisheries science reference points reproductive potential stock recruit
An understanding of the reproductive biology of a species is a central aspect of providing sound
scientific advice for fisheries management. Reproductive biology plays a large part in determining