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端粒(Telomere)是真核细胞染色体末端的多重复序列(TTAGGG)及其结合蛋白组成的特殊结构(图1),主要功能是保护染色体末端免于降解、融合和退化,从而保证细胞DNA及相关遗传信息的稳定和完整。端粒长度(Telomere length, TL)随着细胞分裂次数的增加而不断缩短,当TL不能再缩短时,细胞也就无法继续分裂,进而走向衰老、死亡或癌变。因此,TL是指征衰老和疾病(糖尿病、肺纤维化、心...

2022年4月18日,由基础医学与公共卫生学院陈国兵教授、罗钧洪教授和广州市第一人民医院刘丰教授领衔、多单位科研团队合作于Nature Aging上以封面文章的形式在线发表了论文《Multidimensional single-cell analysis of human peripheral blood reveals characteristic features of the immune ...

2022年3月8日讯/生物谷BIOON/---年龄可能只是一个数字,但这个数字往往会带来一些不必要的副作用,从骨质疏松、肌肉变弱到心血管疾病和癌症的风险增加。如今,在一项新的研究中,来自美国沙克生物研究所和Genentech公司的研究人员证实他们可以通过将中老年小鼠的细胞部分地重置到更年轻的状态,安全有效地逆转它们的衰老过程。相关研究结果于2022年3月7日在线发表在Nature Aging期刊上...

2021年8月10日讯/生物谷BIOON/---尽管可见的衰老迹象通常是明确无误的,但揭开触发它们的原因一直是一个相当大的挑战。在一项新的研究中,来自美国贝勒医学院、布朗大学、德州农工大学和斯坦福大学的研究人员发现一种之前已被描述过的与酵母和线虫的衰老有关的称为隐性转录(cryptic transcription)的细胞现象在衰老的哺乳动物干细胞(包括小鼠造血干细胞、神经干细胞和人类间充质干细胞)...
New poo, new you? Fecal transplants reverse signs of brain aging in mice
fecal transplant brain aging health
As you age, your brain slows down. You may forget where you left your glasses or have trouble picking up a new skill. Now there’s hope from rodent experiments that some of these declines could be reve...

Researchers discover two paths of aging, and new insights on promoting healthspan(图)
paths aging new insights promoting healthspan
Molecular biologists and bioengineers at the University of California, San Diego have unraveled key mechanisms behind the mysteries of aging. They isolated two distinct paths that cells trav...

Study reveals how collapse of protein processes is driver of aging and death(图)
Study reveals collapse protein processes driver aging and death
Cells undergo natural aging and death, processes that impact a multitude of cellular factors. A new Stony Brook University-led study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)...

浙江大学遗传学研究所杨小杭团队在Aging Cell上发表RanGAP介导神经干细胞命运决定因子Pros入核调控神经干细胞寿命的研究成果(图)
浙江大学遗传学研究所 杨小杭 RanGAP 神经干细胞 Pros入核 寿命
近日,由浙江大学遗传学研究所杨小杭教授和席咏梅副教授共同开展的一项研究在线发表在国际权威学术期刊《Aging Cell》上。该团队首次发现RanGAP控制细胞命运决定因子Pros的出核途径,从而调控神经干细胞寿命。在模式动物果蝇中,神经干细胞(Neuroblast)的形成分为胚胎期和幼虫期两个阶段。神经干细胞由神经上皮细胞经过特化、内移而产生,通过不对称分裂模式,形成两个大小不同及命运不同的子代细...

Scientists Decipher Mechanisms Underlying the Biology of Aging(图)
Scientists the Biology of Aging
Understanding the factors that control aging has been one of humanity’s endless pursuits, from the mystical fountain of youth to practical healthful regimens to prolong life expectancy.A team of scien...
The Gordon Research Seminar on Biology of Aging is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new ...
2017冷泉港亚洲会议:干细胞,老化和复兴(Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Stem Cells,Aging&Rejuvenation )
2017 冷泉港亚洲 会议 干细胞 老化 复兴
We are pleased to announce the 1st Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Ubiquitin Family, Autophagy and Diseases which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. ...
You are invited to participate in the eighth meeting on Mechanisms of Aging, to be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, beginning after dinner at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 26, and concluding wi...
Leukocyte telomere length is related to appendicular lean mass: cross-sectional data from the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II)
appendicular lean mass BASE-II leukocytes muscle mass sarcopenia telomere length
Background: Age-related progressive loss of muscle mass is an increasing problem in our aging society, affecting physical ability, risk of falls, and need for health care. Telomere length has been rec...

Scientists produce clearest-ever images of enzyme that plays key roles in aging,cancer(图)
Scientists clearest-ever images enzyme aging cancer
Now, scientists from UCLA and UC Berkeley have produced images of telomerase in much higher resolution than ever before, giving them major new insights about the enzyme. Their findings, published onli...
Iowa State University researchers discover surprisingly wide variation across species in genetic systems that influence aging
Iowa State University researchers surprisingly wide variation across species genetic systems influence aging
A new Iowa State University study focusing on insulin signaling uncovered surprising genetic diversity across reptiles, birds and mammals.The research sets the stage for an improved understanding of m...