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北京大学心理与认知科学学院周广玉课题组在 Sexuality Research and Social Policy 上发表论文揭示污名化对中国性少数群体抑郁症状的双重中介机制(图)
污名化 抑郁症状 双重中介机制
Sexuality Research and Social Policy 在线发表了周广玉研究员课题组的论文“The impact of sexual minority stigma on depression: The roles of resilience and family support”。该研究探究了污名化对中国性少数群体心理健康的影响及其过程机制,发现了心理韧性和家庭支持的中介作用。
近日,中国科学院心理研究所研究员、中国科学院心理健康重点实验室神经心理学与应用认知神经科学实验室陈楚侨博士受邀加入期刊Schizophrenia Research的编委会。Schizophrenia Research是精神分裂症国际研究学会Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) 的官方期刊,也是精神分裂症研究领域的旗帜性期刊和最大的专...

2019年12月27日,北京大学心理与认知科学学院吴艳红教授课题组题为 “Actions Speak Louder than Words: The Role of Action in Self-Referential Advantage in Children with Autism”发表于Autism Research杂志。该研究揭示了实际动作执行(self-generated actions)...
中国科学院心理研究所陈楚侨研究员受邀担任Schizophrenia Bulletin和Psychiatry Research编委
中国科学院心理研究所 陈楚侨研究员 Schizophrenia Bulletin Psychiatry Research 精神分裂症
中国科学院心理研究所陈楚侨研究员受邀担任Schizophrenia Bulletin和Psychiatry Research两本期刊的编委。Schizophrenia Bulletin创刊于1969年,以发表精神分裂症领域的顶级研究为使命,是精神分裂症领域的顶级期刊。Schizophrenia Bulletin的资深编辑们根据陈楚侨研究员在该期刊上发表文章的重要性以及其对该领域的整体贡献,邀请其从...
2017年教育教学研究与实践国际会议(2017 International Conference on Educational Research and Practice (ICERP))
2017年 教育教学 国际会议
- To discuss comparative perspectives on vital issues and challenges that affect professional educators as global researchers
- To disseminate research findings that have impacts on professional educ...
2017运动和收缩系统高登研究研讨会(The Gordon Research Seminar on Motile & Contractile Systems)
2017 运动 收缩系统高登 研究研讨会
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by July 1, 2017. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be st...
2017年儿童发展研究会议(Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development)
2017年 儿童发展 研究会议
Advance your professional development by planning now to attend the 2017 SRCD Biennial Meeting in Austin! Aside from the invited and submitted program, there are numerous formal and informal opportuni...
Hands-on learning research that benefits the economy,environment
Hands-on learning research benefits the economy environment
Research consistently shows that children who have opportunities to actively investigate natural settings and engage in problem-based learning greatly benefit from the experiences. They gain skills, i...
Comparison of Consumer and Research Monitors under Semistructured Settings
Purpose: This study evaluated the relative validity of different consumer and research activity monitors during semistructured periods of sedentary activity, aerobic exercise, and resistance exercise....
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has named 2,000 individuals as this year's recipients of awards from the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).
"The Graduate Research Fellowship Program i...
Observation Oriented Modeling:Preparing students for research in the 21st century
Oriented Modeling Preparing students the 21st century
Observation Oriented Modeling is an alternative to traditional methods of data conceptualization and analysis that challenges researchers to develop integrated, explanatory models of patterns of obser...
Cemetery demography as a tool for teaching psychological research methods to undergraduate students
Cemetery demography teaching psychological undergraduate students
Students enrolled in an honors introductory psychology course completed a cemetery demography project intended to stimulate student interest and appreciation for psychological research. They generated...
Using the philosophy of science to better understand research methods
philosophy of science understand research methods
This article suggests that contemporary philosophy of science can significantly increase our understanding of behavioral research methods. In particular, it illustrates this contention by showing how ...
Laboratory assignments and their impact on final examination grades:an online research methods/statistics course
Laboratory assignments final examination grades online research methods statistics course
Over the last decade, enrollment in online courses has tripled. However, the delivery of online sections of courses that typically require laboratory work on campus can present a challenge. The presen...
Finding better ways of motivating and assisting smokers to stop:Research at the CRUK Health Behaviour Research Centre
motivating and assisting smokers to stop CRUK Health Behaviour Research Centre
A major goal of Health Psychology is to find better ways of encouraging and helping people to stop doing things that are bad for their physical or mental health but which they enjoy or that meet immed...